
Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 2, 2010

Piers and Pelicans

There is something about a pier that brings everyone together. People walk on the pier, under it, surf alongside it, fish off of it, grab lunch on it, and of course...take pictures of it. Yesterday, I took a stroll on the pier in Oceanside and took pictures of things that I found on it, around it, and under it. People enjoying the day...just being in the moment.

As you know, I love birds and water so I had a nice time taking pictures of both, along with people doing what they love. I walked along the beach to find a young man playing his guitar and singing while an older gentleman was looking for treasure in the sand. As I walked on the pier, I was shocked to see pelicans sitting on the rail watching the people walk by. They didn't mind people getting close to take pictures so I took the opportunity to snap a few for myself.

As I looked away, perhaps I approached one too close (or he was hungry) and I felt a slight pinch on my arm as if someone was grabbing me arm from behind. Looking back, I realized that the pelican was biting my arm. Not once, but twice! So, I took the hint and scooted away.

Pelicans are amazing creatures. Their wing span is longer than a teenager and they can soar across the water so gracefully and effortless. Wouldn't it be great to be a pelican for a day? They are so beautiful to me.

Here is a moment in time of people and animals enjoying the day together in Oceanside, California. For more, click HERE

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