
Thứ Hai, 22 tháng 2, 2010

"Images Of Long Beach" Art Show Reception

At the beginning of the year, I listed 39 goals I wanted to complete in my 39th year. On Saturday, I completed another goal from this list.

I initially wanted to put my photographs up in a cafe' but I had the opportunity to display them in a wine shop...including a reception!

As you may have read in previous blogs, it was definitely a learning experience. I am so thankful for the opportunity to display my photographs from Long Beach in my "Images of Long Beach" collection at the Wine Crush. The night was truly special to me.

Thank you for all that came out to support my work and take the time to introduce yourself. I am lucky to have you be a part of this...even if you weren't able to be there in person.

I am humbled by the support and encouragement from you on a daily basis. The photographs will remain on the walls for the next few weeks if you would like to stop by and take a look.

It was a night I will never forget.

My first art show.

I will continue to take photographs of my travels and share them here with you. Please become a fan on facebook if you would like to see additional images. I tried to take pictures at the show, but I only took a few since I opted to visit with everyone instead.

Sometimes words can't describe feelings we often have. I think this is one of those moments. I feel truly blessed. I am excited to share more.

The display is located at: 3131 East Broadway
Long Beach, California 90803
You can see all photographs from the "Images of Long Beach" collection HERE

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