
Thứ Ba, 2 tháng 2, 2010

My First Art Show

You know how I've been talking about fear of the unknown, taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone? Well, I am certainly putting that to the test soon. I have the opportunity to showcase my photographs at The Wine Crush in Long Beach, California. I am going to put up a collection of images that I've taken of Long Beach for a show on Saturday, February 20th.

Easy enough, right?

Since I've been traveling, I love sharing my experiences with you here showing photos I've taken and telling you stories about where I've been. Of course, that is in the comfort of a campsite, hotel room or a cafe' somewhere. I like to wander and take pictures of what I find interesting. They might not be interesting to anyone else but me and that's ok. I like taking pictures of bird feet, patterns in the sand, art on water tanks, fences, the same house over and over, etc. It didn't matter if anyone liked it because I did and I was on the other side of the computer so I couldn't hear people say, "that's stupid."

Now I am putting myself out there with the images I've taken in Long Beach. It's a little vulnerable putting your art on the wall in a public place for all to see right in front of you.

Ok, maybe more than a little.

Each image I will show has a story of when I took it, what I was doing and what I was thinking at the time. I love this city and I hope it's reflected in the photographs I will show.

So, another foot in the pool of the unknown. I know it will get easier, but I have to say that I am nervous and excited at the same time. Of course this comes along after I tell you that I dread public speaking. I will be in a room full of people (hoping for the best), with many of of them in attendance to see the art specifically so it should be interesting to say the least.

Thank you for all of your support. I hope you can make the event if you are in the area. Click HERE to see the invite on Facebook.

If you are unable to RSVP on facebook, here are the details:
What: Images of Long Beach by Alison Turner "LBC through my POV"
When: Saturday, February 20th 4:00pm - 8:00pm
Where: The Wine Crush 3131 East Broadway Ave. Long Beach, CA 90803

The image of the sunset in this blog will be included in the show along with others from Long Beach. The other pictures on this blog are just to give you an idea of what I like to look at. You will have to come to see the rest for yourself.

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