
Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 1, 2010

Today Was A Good Day

You know the days where everything seems to go right? I had a pretty good day today. I went for a walk on the beach as the sun was setting, took Max to the dog park, met a dear friend of mine to chat for a while and met with a business owner to agree on a date in February to showcase my work for my first art show opening! More details to come on that, but isn't it great when you get to enjoy so many nice things in one day?

Some of the smallest things I love the most. You know the feeling you have over something, however small, can bring out the best in you? That you find hope in the world over the tiniest of details? Ok..."maybe hope in the world" is a little much, but you get what I mean.

To celebrate my exciting day, I took myself out to eat without a phone or a friend and I just watched everything that surrounded me at that moment. I ate at a sushi bar where I could watch the chefs prepare meals and I was at such an angle that I could see some of what was going on in the kitchen. One thing stood out for me. I watched the dishwasher in the back as he very carefully took out the small ceramic plates out of the drying rack and slowly and precisely, stacked them together and turned to put them on the counter shelf...ever so gently. Have you ever been at a restaurant and all you hear are banging plates in the kitchen or clearing the table? Without him knowing it, I greatly appreciated his conscious plate stacking.

Also, my paper white flowers in the backyard are coming back. I am excited about seeing that. Even though I hate the mornings, I look forward to waking Max up and greeting the day with him. Each night, the sunset is a little different and each time is an experience. All of these things I appreciate. These are a few pictures from my walk on the beach last night. Yes, I love birds. I walked up slowly to them...stood there, got my shot ready, then ran towards them. I don't think they appreciated it too much, but I had fun. To see more, click HERE

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