
Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 1, 2010

Etsy Fridays

I have slowly but surely decided on a few pictures to put up for sale on Etsy. It's not easy sorting through 30,000 pictures to find one that I like enough to offer to you.

Each Friday, I am going to post new pictures that I have put up for sale on Etsy that week. I will put them up throughout the week but will send you a notice on my Facebook Fan page each Friday on what is new so you don't have to check back on the ETSY page if you are looking for something. I always welcome suggestions so if you love a picture but don't see it for sale...let me know!

You can always take a quick look on the right side of the blog to see what's up for sale. I am new at this, so thank you for your patience as I work out the kinks. To get updates, please become a Facebook fan by clicking HERE

So, it's a goal completed on my 39 things I am going to do in my 39th year list. Now it's off to discover new things and places to talk about! Keep exploring! :)

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