
Thứ Bảy, 29 tháng 8, 2009

Visiting The Abrahams

After leaving Illinois, I headed to visit my friend Susan who lives in Michigan with her husband, Rob and their kids Jenny and John. I hated to see them move away from California 3 years, has it been that long? Max and I were greeted with open arms! Jenny and John loved to play with Max in the yard, at the park, in the kennel...pretty much anywhere Max was.

We had a fun filled few days touring around town and playing at the park.

I have to say that I have a new found respect for all of the mothers out there. Being the youngest in my family and not being around kids that much, I have to say...whew. Jenny and John are the sweetest kids, let me tell you. They are polite, funny, and smart. Perhaps I am just getting old but I would love to be able to bottle up a third of the energy they have to save and use on a daily basis. Maybe that's why I have a love affair with coffee.

If you want to make money in Michigan, grow basil. We were having a "make your own pizza" night at the Abrahams and the store Susan usually shops at didn't have basil. So, off we went to another grocery store. John, Jenny and I waited patiently in the car anxiously waiting the arrival of some fresh basil. None at the second store. After our 5th trip to a grocery store in another state, EUREKA! We found some!!! Ok, it was just the 3rd store, but let me tell was worth it.

Max and I had a nice break from camping and a great visit with the family. Thank you Rob, Susan, Jenny and John!

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