
Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 8, 2009

A Wall Drug Adventure

If you are driving on highway 90 in South Dakota going East or West, you will see several billboards for different items at Wall Drug.

Free Ice Water, 5 Cent Coffee (which is free for Veterans..AND a they get a free donut), old time pictures, etc.

Well, there you have it. Let's do all three!

Max and I decided it was worth a stop. The ice water was cold, the coffee was really 5 cents and yes, we dressed up for a couple of old time photos. Of course I had to be the "traditional bar lady"..or something like that, but I really wanted to be Annie Oakley! She looked like she had way more fun.

I went in and said, "can I get a picture of me with a dog as a man and a woman?" After a long pause the young woman said..."uh, yeah..ok, sure." So, off I went and told Max what we were going to do and he was game. He was pretty patient with the whole set up as he was being outfitted wearing a bandanna and cowboy hat. He even looked at the camera which he never does with me. He now heads in the other direction when I get the camera out. For one good shot of Max, I take about 50.

It was fun. I was laughing the entire time. Of course not when I was the "serious cowgirl holding a terrier with a cowboy hat on." I think we just robbed a bank. Look at all of that cash in the back! Didn't all of the classic western shots include a dog with a hat on? I think they did. So, it's pretty authentic.

After a few good laughs, we continued on our journey. Only to find a seemingly perfect campsite, not so perfect.
Details soon...

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