
Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 4, 2010

Unique LA Experience

I hate shopping.  I am one of those people who knows what they want when they go to a store, get it and leave as quickly as possible.  Also, I tend to look online for the best deals and prefer to buy online then step foot in a store.  I would rather buy from someone who took the time to make an item themselves, rather than a mass produced item.  Yesterday I attended "Unique LA" in downtown Los Angeles.
It was a gathering of people who dedicate their lives to their passion of making goods by hand.  Everything at the event was made directly from the person standing in the booth.  It was a good time of browsing funky items and chatting with the people who make them.

There was also a photographer taking pictures of a car scene and of course I had to play along.  I decided that cruising in a car with a pet Rooster would be fun.  This is what it would look like if I decided to choose an impala convertable car and a bird to travel with instead of my old suv and Max.  I think Max would be a little bit easier to travel with.

A lot of the items sold at the event can be found on Etsy.  If you are not familiar with the website, I would take a look at the items.  Everything is handmade or vintage but all items are unique.  As a matter of fact, I have an etsy store with some of my photographs that you can purchase if you click HERE. The proceeds will go for a gas budget that will be much needed soon when I get on the road.

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