Here are a few other fun facts about yours truly.
- I used to be a synchronized swimmer
- I love old school rap music
- My dream is to own an airstream and put it on a piece of land and live off grid
- I am horrible at math
- I was an assistant basketball coach for a college team
- I sold girl scout cookies
- I have the entire star wars figure collection
- My all time favorite musician is Elvis Costello and met him once.
- I’ve never broken a bone
- I don’t have tonsils
- I had stitches between my toes
- I slept as my neighbors house burned down
- I was a lifeguard
- I won an apple peeling contest
- Public speaking is my worst fear
- I don’t have a tattoo
- I bite my nails
- I don’t like crowds
- I haven’t used a blow dryer in years
- I don’t iron
- I dread shopping
- Coconut is my favorite scent
- I drink coffee everyday
- I grew up camping under the Hollywood sign
- I’ve never traveled to Europe
- I want to adopt every dog I see at the shelter
- I played college basketball
- I was a fencer
- I haven’t eaten a mammal in over 15 years
- I would rather text than talk on the phone
- 32 is my favorite number
- I am allergic to eggplant
- My first job was to tell people not to touch the plants at a county fair
- Since I didn’t have a pool growing up, I filled our trash cans and sat in them during summer months
- I love all things weird
- In 5 days It will mark one year without alcohol
- King Crab legs are my favorite meal
- I like to take pictures (can you tell?)
- I love brussel sprouts
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