
Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 4, 2009

Treasures a.k.a. "Stuff," "Junk," "Crap"

I am tired of “things.”

My garage is full of things that I haven’t looked at since I moved here 6 years ago. Well, I try not to look at it, but it’s a little obvious. “It” looks at me each time I try to sneak in there to do laundry or search for something. I was sick of “it” yelling at me all of the time. “Enough!” I say, softly… but firm.

I have to admit that the task of cleaning out the garage has haunted me for years. “Oh yeah, I will get to that later,” would be my response to people, knowing full well that later meant never. There was just so much crap; I mean “treasures” that I have saved over the years. Who doesn’t need a box full of plastic utensils, corks, paper plates, bottle caps, or other useful miscellaneous items? I know there is another box full of corks somewhere, but I dumped out the one I had to count 644 corks (at an average of $15 bucks a bottle…these corks represent $9,660…I feel sick for some reason..AND there is another box). I saved them to do some sort of project, but I can’t even think of anything now that I did the calculation of cost. Ugh. Anyway, moving right along…

I am getting some cold hard cash today by selling my ping pong table. Helloooo $80 big ones!!

I made some progress yesterday by throwing donated items in my car so I am forced to go to the Good Will instead of putting a pile back in the garage hoping for the best (which I have done too many times before). Ahhhh, PROGRESS! I can even put my arms out and shimmy side to side in the garage and not touch a thing! I don’t want to get too ahead of myself, however.

There are things in the rafters I need to pull
down and look at. Too many things to mention. Looking up there now with the look of panic on my face…ok, must…look…away…

I wanted to redo the entire garage and make it into a guest house. Better yet, there is enough room to push trailie in there, lay down Astroturf, knock down the side wall and put in a garage door…VOILA’!! Instant guest home! Set down some folding chairs and it’s all set. This is great motivation to continue to move through the clutter to a new trailer park heaven. There is happiness in my heart I can’t explain right now.

This is gonna be gooood!

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