
Thứ Tư, 8 tháng 10, 2008

What do you want to be when you grow up?

I wrote this blog while I was in Yellowstone reflecting on where I’ve been and where I want to go next…(pic of me writing it on right)

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Remember that? Do you remember your answer? I don’t think I had an answer. I still don’t. I can relate to people who are still not sure what they want to do in life, but don’t you just hate the people who’ve always known? I guess hate is a strong word… anyway; I have a good friend that’s a cop. She’s always wanted to be one. She loves it still. Ok, how has she ALWAYS known she wanted to be a cop? Like, you’ve ALWAYS known you wanted to throw yourself in front of a bullet to protect someone? Yeah, you’ve ALWAYS wanted to do that. Humm…

In college, I had no idea what I wanted to do so I just picked classes that looked interesting to me and then summed them up to a major. I like jingles. I memorize lyrics to songs on the 2nd listen so I thought…voila! Advertising! Perfect! It’s the place where all of your great ideas are welcomed with open arms and the more creative you are, the more money you made…right?? Um…no. Found out that the younger you are, the harder you work, the less you make. After pulling all nighters to prepare for someone else’s presentation, making very little money, I put down my glue stick and decided to make a change. How about I SELL advertising, instead of trying to create it?

I started selling the ads instead. It was challenging at first but after 7 years of selling “junk mail,” (Yes, I know…gasp!) I decided to try to get my creative back. Like Stella. Well, not really.

I want to LOVE my next job. Is that possible? Do you LOVE what you do? Have you always known what you wanted to do? If you hate it, why are you still there (besides the money)?

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