
Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 10, 2012

A Day At The Topsfield Fair

Danielle Dale, 2012 American Honey Princess
Who doesn't enjoy a day at the fair?  I can't think of a better community activity then going to the fair with friends and family and take in the sights, sounds and let's not forget, the food!  My friends, John and Ellyn were performing their Bubble Show at the Topsfield fair in Massachusetts so I had to take a drive out there to visit them!

I met John a few years ago on "my space" and we've become friends ever since.  My friends thought I was crazy to go to Mexico to meet a stranger (it was a little crazy) that I met online but I took a chance and I'm glad I did.

Little did I know but Topsfield fair is the oldest American fair that is held at the same place each year since 1910.  I've been to a few fairs across the country and I have to say that this one is most likely the nicest one I've visited thus far.  

John, Ellyn and Butch
As with all fairs, I find the people in attendance the most fascinating of all.  I get lost in the fair culture throughout the day with my camera, photographing people and things I find interesting the moment I see them.  During the day, I took photographs with my point and click and my iphone until both batteries died. After that, I had to just enjoy the fair without documenting it, which was an entirely new experience for me.  

I would highly recommend attending your local state or county fair.  You might be surprised at what you will find.  Here are some images of what I saw during my day at the fair.

Be a fan of the Bubble Show on Facebook by clicking HERE  They are touring all over the states so be  sure to catch a performance!